Neurofeedback as an alternative to medication

What is Neurofeedback and how much does it cost?

Neurofeedback as an alternative to medication

No one really wants to take medication.  It can be difficult to be compliant with medication regimens for many reasons.  For some, treatment with the use of medication has risks, side effects and stigma that can be intolerable.  Medication can also be expensive and difficult to access due to productions issues or high demand.  We simply forget to take it.  Our thoughts and beliefs about taking medicine can cause defiance regarding our diagnosis and treatment plan leading to non-compliance.  For others, medication isn’t enough, and counseling and medication may need additional measures to complement current treatment plans.

We offer an alternative and it is called Neurofeedback (NFB).

What is neurofeedback?

electroencephalography (EEG) neurofeedback is a non-evasive way to influence brainwave activity.  Brainwave activity has a lot to do with brain functioning and by extension, feelings, psychological functioning, and behavior.  Training the brain to be different is easier than you think. Operant Conditioning (using a system of rewards) is a large part of the brain training treatment.

Here’s how it works:

First, we get a description of the symptoms you report.

Next, we do an EEG procedure called Brain Mapping, which is an assessment of your brainwave activity.  The assessment determines if the symptoms reported are brainwave issues.  Once the brainwave activity assessment is completed and brainwave disfunction is established, a treatment protocol will be created that is fully individualized and based on the assessment results.

Finally, we schedule 10 to 30 sessions.  We assess the effectiveness of the treatment along the way, and make adjustments to the protocol as needed.

How often will you attend sessions and for how long?  It is recommended that the brain is exposed to the training at least twice per week.  The more you apply the treatment, the faster the training and greater the results.  Think of it like training your muscles.  With monthly muscle training the results will be slow or you may see no improvement at all.  However, weekly muscle training gets noticeable results, faster.

There is significant evidence to support the use of Neurofeedback therapy as a treatment for disorders such as trauma, ADHD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and many other disorders. Neurofeedback is also used to improve performance in areas such as athletic performance, occupational performance, and academic performance.

Its use has been shown to pose little to no risk.  Negative side effects are rare, usually mild, and easily corrected.

10 sessions are an adequate trial period to determine if the treatment works.

30 sessions are recommended for long term effectiveness.

Pricing and packages

Brain mapping $300

Neurofeedback sessions $125


Introductory-Brain Mapping plus 10 NFB sessions $1000 ($550 savings)

Brain Mapping plus 20 NFB sessions $2600

Brain Mapping plus 30 NFB sessions $3800

30 NFB sessions $3500

20 NFB sessions $2500

10 NFB sessions $1250

We are located in St. Petersburg, Fl

If you would like to schedule Brain Mapping or a NFB session, contact

Cara at 941-465-0686


Blake at 727-772-3588

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